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Husband to my best friend, Linda; Dad to three artistic and amazing children... John, Jeremy and Sarah, Plan A Coach with Kingdom Building Ministries and Missionary with Eastgate House of Prayer.

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

The official Blog of KV Style's Budget Columnist, Jill Lewis-Watts: Spend LESS, give MORE

The official Blog of KV Style's Budget Columnist, Jill Lewis-Watts: Spend LESS, give MORE

it's too late!

I just read a startling quote from Seth Godin's book, "Tribes". It stung because it cuts against the grain of my way of thinking... or maybe against my hard wired tendency to want to keep the waters calm. Anyway, he writes "By the time you realize that your corner of the world is ready for an innovation, it's almost certainly too late. It's definitely not too early." Now, that is a battle cry for those of us who long for people in our culture to embrace the life connecting and life renovating experience of knowing Jesus Christ. Shame on us for consistently waiting too long to change. If you are just realizing that innovation is needed in the way we engage our culture and in pursuading them to follow Jesus it may almost be too late.

Friday, November 27, 2009

You are the leader people are looking for

It amazes me that Jesus left His mission to save the world in the hands of a small group of people. But He did. I believe that He knew what He was doing. The Holy Spirit arrived in power about a month and a half after Jesus left the earth to return to His Father. Trusting that the Holy Spirit would inspire, empower and keep them connected they picked up on Jesus' vision of their culture... that the world around them was full of people who were like "sheep without a shepherd." Somehow they believed Jesus when He told them they were the light of the world. They were designed to lead others to really "get" that Jesus was the Shepherd their culture needed. What about us? You and I were designed by God to lead. I'm not talking about leading churches or businesses or organizations. I'm talking about embracing the fact that you are a God-designed leader in our culture. People all around you need you to lead. The question is where are you leading them? My prayer for us is that we will own our destiny as leaders and show those around us what it is like to know Jesus Christ and live in true freedom. The freedom that religion can't offer. May we have the courage to flesh out a faith journey that trusts Jesus presence and His ways in every unpredictable situation. He is ready to help us and I believe our best days are yet to come.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Who's on your shopping list?

I heard a shocking statistic lately. There are 143 million orphans in the world today. Then I heard of a website www.143million.org that offers several ways that people can invest in helping to improve the quality of life for one of these children. I was especially drawn to a project called "410 bridge" www.410bridge.org You can read about it there. But, it provides a great way for you and your family to connect with children and villages in Kenya, Africa. So, can you make some extra room on your Christmas list?