About Me

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Husband to my best friend, Linda; Dad to three artistic and amazing children... John, Jeremy and Sarah, Plan A Coach with Kingdom Building Ministries and Missionary with Eastgate House of Prayer.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

What's happening for you this year?

Wow! We are just about to launch into August! What's happening for excitement for your Fall 2011 or 2012? The world is likely not gonna end so... a few reminders...

August is the time to fill out your application for our Plan A NYC Coaching Experience  being hosted from New Brunswick, Canada. It is going to be sweet, so get your app and $75 preregistration sent in soon! Team members must be 15 years of age or older. Can't wait for us to get started!

Also, I am very excited to let you know that KBM's 2011-2012 Ministry Guide  (digital online version) is now available. It is absolutely jammed with stuff for you to plug into in 2012.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rising to new depths

Me: "Jesus, I believe you have created me with a unique design and to make an impact on my world for your glory. Show me what that is!"  Jesus: "If you want to be blessed, do what I have done."

Your vehicle to rise to your destiny is always the same... do it like Jesus!

How did Jesus do this life?

By "washing feet" Jesus rose to new depths of service.

Maybe you can get what I mean by imagining yourself in the beautifully designed Trump Tower in Manhattan.  You have been sightseeing all morning and you are in desperate need of a rest room. You enter those famous rotating doors and you head for the escalator descending to where you know you will find relief! When you find your destination and find the service you need open and available to you, it strikes you that you are more grateful in that moment for the plumber than the architect who designed this multi-million dollar building.

Maybe the best way to experience the longevity of a meaningful life is to remember that the way to rise to new heights of purpose is to go deeper in service.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Loving John's new chapter with "The Experience"

We are so pumped for our son, John as he has been invited to serve on the leadership and teaching team for the "16 Days" Road trip with KBM  Follow their blog at http://16dayskbm.blogspot.com/  And you can follow them on twitter: john - http://twitter.com/j_lamos and  16 Days -  http://twitter.com/KingdomLaborers 

The richest discovery Linda and I have made is that God's plan A for releasing His kingdom in our world lives right in our house and under our care. How awesome is that?

Maybe someone in your family needs to be launched through our NYC Plan A Experience this Fall!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Smells like something died in here!

Does it matter how good or bad you smell? It definitely does. The song by old school indie band, Nirvana used smell as a way to subtly describe youth culture in their time.

With the lights out it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us

If you weren't a middle or high school student in the '90s, your reaction... What?!?.. but youth all over the world said... "Exactly!" as they all shared sweaty body odor and banged into each other in a thousand mosh pits :)

It is basic animal instinct to know others by "smell". Every time I walk in our house my dogs, Maggie and Tenny and my cat, Charlie all greet me at the door... It's hilarious! But they always insist on greeting me with a "sniff".

It's like; "How the heck are ya? Come 'ere let me smell ya"!  Why? Living breathing beings care about smell!

Ok... so when you launch out into your day, God's plan is to use you to spread the scent of "LIFE" everywhere you go.

You can tell by "gut instinct" that people are reacting to your physical smell. How much could you learn if you let God make you just as tuned in to the way others react to your spiritual scent?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A bowl of soup with the worst after taste!

God is hard core when it comes to us making our ordinary moments count. Esau learned that the hard way!
Even though I have heard the story a thousand times, I still wish that it had worked out differently for him. On the day he sold his birthright for a bowl of red soup, God really saw the way it was gonna be with Esau.

And the man never seemed to shift out of "Numb" when it came to going after what really matters. His legacy will forever be etched in our minds; “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated." - God (Romans 9:13).  Ouch! That is NOT what any of us are aiming at in life.

His main problem was that he despised his birthright! Wow, how sad is it that thousands of Jesus followers do the same thing every week?  We have an open invitation to be with God any time we choose and to set our hearts on fire with His intense love for us! This is our birthright. It is true that God is searching for those of us who will let Him take possession of our whole heart. He is ready to partner with us to unleash His presence in all of the simple moments of our day.  

Show us something different in the way you live and love your God designed destiny! Let it be said of you, "Esau I hated but fill in your name  I have loved" - God.

The world is waiting for you to live to own your God designed destiny no matter what it costs!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I hope you invest in Yourself this Fall!

Solomon was the son of probably the greatest king of all time, King David. David's heart burned with passion for God and his dream was to build a house for God's presence to be with His people. Because of His Dad's deep friendship with God, Solomon was chosen out of all the men on earth to build God's temple. On the appointed day, David made it very public how this was gonna go down.

It was all on Solomon to get it done. So there in front of the whole nation, David coached his son:

So take this seriously. The Lord has chosen you to build a
 Temple as his sanctuary.
 Be strong, and do the work.”
I Chron. 28:10 (NLT)

No mystery, no magic... just:  "Suck it up, Son... Man up! and make it happen... God has chosen you!" 

If you are alive and breathing, you have been chosen by God. We are all gonna be better off once you get in motion! I wonder, "What has God chosen you to do?"  I wish I could tell you.  But, that's between you and God.

I am hoping you will invest in yourself this Fall by applying for our first ever Fall Plan A NYC Ministry Experience For more information, take advantage of the free email subscription above. All current subscribers and anyone who subscribes to my blog newsletter during the month of July 2011 will receive a 10% discount off of the cost of the training! So why not take 30 seconds and subscribe now? 

 "So take this seriously. The Lord has chosen you to... Be strong, and do the work.”
What has He chosen you to do?"

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Looking for a guest speaker or worship leader for your events?

Are you looking for a guest speaker or worship leader as you plan for upcoming events? As the Representative for Kingdom Building Ministries in Canada, I am very interested in helping churches launch believers as passionate lovers of and effective everyday servants of Jesus wherever they go. I would love to encourage you, your leadership team and your group or church as you fan the flames of a movement where Jesus followers are being activated into a life of kingdom service. I am available to speak or serve as a guest worship leader with local churches, youth groups and other venues as well.  I share your heart in believing that God's plan for reaching the world is to mobilize every Christian (as an active laborer) into every place of human need. If you want to get a feel for what the Lord has put on my heart, you can take a look at my blog @ http://www.dan-lamos.blogspot.com/  Love to connect with you! Call me at 506-639-8961 and/or subscribe to my blog newsletter. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You can never be too careful!

"You can never be too careful"!

Do you think those words would mean anything to the apostle Peter? Think of what he would have missed! If he worried about being careful, he never would have learned most of Jesus' best lessons.

Peter had a lot to learn about following Jesus. And just like you and me, he was destined to make a lot of mistakes. Failing creatively is huge if we want God to write a great story with our lives.

What can we learn from this crazy chapter from Peter's life?

Jesus loves it more when we "dive in" and fail than when
we hold back and "look" successful.

If we ask him, He will take us on the most incredible
adventures imaginable.

He believes in our potential way more than we do.

If we will swallow our pride and cry out to him especially when
people are watching, He will reach out and rescue us.

Jesus is gonna use the beautiful messes we make of our lives
if we will keep our eyes on Him! 

Don't forget the real evidence of being a Christian! We are at our best when we reflect the unrehearsed authority of the creative love of Jesus. 

The world needs you to show us something different! We are all watching to see if you will jump over the edge of the boat and follow Jesus.

It is true, "You can never be too careful... unless you want to walk on water"!  In that case it is deadly to be "too" careful.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

This could be you or a young adult you know in 2012!

Maybe this could be you or a young adult you know in 2012!!

God has been rockin' John's world and we can't wait to hear all about it!! "The Experience" team is finishing the Wander Stage of their training. Next week they will be diving in to the Dreaming and Planning stage described below.    

The Wander Stage: July 2 – July 9
This stage is uniquely designed to be a mystery. All we can tell you is that you will be “wandering” on the ultimate amazing race-style, multi-state road trip that will be filled with many ministry opportunities and learning experiences. It is designed to stretch your faith, keep you guessing, and see the world through a different set of eyes.

The Dreaming and Planning Stage: July 10 – July 16
The last seven days of the intensive training portion of the program is all about YOU! Back at KBM’s Headquarters in Aurora, CO, we will look at all the experiences you’ve had, all the lessons you have learned, all of the skills you’ve acquired and begin to dream and plan about how God will use you to reach your world for Christ. You will be inspired and encouraged by what you discover God wants to do through YOU! And at the end of the week, you’ll be holding a ministry and life plan that fits you like a glove.

We will be launching a group of young adults into "The Experience" in 2012.
Maybe you should be part of it!?!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Looking for ways to help churches launch a young generation

As a "Plan A" Coach based in Quispamsis, NB Canada with Kingdom Building Ministries, I am very interested in helping churches launch their students and young adults into being passionate lovers of and effective everyday servants of Jesus wherever they go. I would love to connect with you, your leadership team and your group or church concerning ways that we can help you as you fan the flames of His kingdom service in a young generation. I am available to speak or serve as a guest worship leader with local churches, youth groups and other venues as well.  We share your heart in believing that God's plan for reaching the world is to mobilize every Christian (as an active laborer) into every place of human need. Love to connect with you! Call me at 506-639-8961 and/or subscribe to my blog newsletter.           

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A fire in your spirit to see Canadian youth launched into God's purposes!

Is your heart stirred up every time you talk with a high school student or a young adult man or woman concerning their potential for ministry in God's kingdom? Do you want to help your church launch these unique, God designed young Jesus followers into lives of 24/7 service as laborers in God's harvest regardless of their career or place in life?  Do you have a fire in your heart to come along side them and through prayer, encouragement and friendship help to launch them into a life of ministry in Jesus Name? Then my heart burns with yours and I would love to connect with you. 

Thousands of youth in the Maritime Region and across Canada need to enjoy what a local church youth group from New Brunswick experienced

As a "Plan A" Coach in Canada with Kingdom Building Ministries , I am gathering a core team who feel called by God to see this young generation rediscover deep passionate love for Jesus that is reflected in going into all the world to make new Jesus followers wherever they are sent.  

I have created a "Plan A" Coaching Support Team where we can pray, share and work with God in raising up a fresh kingdom laborer movement in Canada for His glory.  Please subscribe to our email newsletter above for daily updates.  If you subscribe during the month of July you or a young adult of your choice will receive a 10 % discount on our Fall Training (includes NYC Mission Weekend) Let me know if you would like to be added to the "support team" facebook group.  I would love to hear from you! - Dan Lamos

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Destroying the box from the inside

Jesus often causes radical change by injecting his ways into a situation and then breaking out from the inside.  A good example of that is the account of the paralytic in the book of John.  What a powerful model for transforming our world as Jesus followers! The man was waiting for the water in the pool to be stirred by an angel so that he could be healed... but He could never get in the water first (that was the qualification for healing I guess). Intead, Jesus dove into this man's world and basically said, "If you have courage enough to receive it, I have all of the healing water you will ever need. But, you are gonna have to decide if you really want it!"

I love that Jesus never backs away from any challenge when it comes to injecting His power and His ways into our lives.

We are most like Jesus when we look past all of the distractions and challenges to really "see" the people around us and follow the Holy Spirit's lead injecting the reality of the kingdom in their situations.      

Monday, July 4, 2011

Taking the light of Jesus to "The Strip"...

Don't forget about our "10% discount" on our Fall NYC Mission if you subscribe during the month of July! 

I creeped on my son's facebook page... I confess! But, I just couldn't  help myself.  Last night I got a text from him telling me that he and his friends from The Experience (KBM) were spending the night in Vegas.  They were there asking God to open their eyes to what He is doing there in the lives of people on the street and for wisdom about how they as God's "Plan A" could bring Jesus "up close" to those people!

So, this morning at 4:30 AM Mountain Time (it was 7:30 for me out east), John posted a message to a new friend he had met and talked with on the street in the middle of the night:

 "I'm sitting here in the hotel room super stoked dude...i think an epic friendship has been born my friend...I'm going to be praying about coming back! Everything you were sharing was EXACTLY on my heart dude...I have a feeling I'll be back very soon" 

I can't wait to hear what that is all about.  I pray that hundreds and thousands of young kingdom laborers will find themselves in the darkest places on the globe carrying with them "the hope of glory"!

God is fanning the flame in the hearts of young men and women all over the world to answer the call God extended to a young prophet named Jeremiah and then echoed in a letter from Jude.  It is a call to "jump over the edge" and go to the darkest places with the burning torch of the life of Jesus within us and the profound wisdom of the Holy Spirit coaching our every move.  This is the hope of the world!   

 “Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, or I will terrify you before them. Today I have made you a fortified city, an iron pillar and a bronze wall to stand against the whole land—against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests and the people of the land. They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the LORD.  Jeremiah 1:17-19

But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.
Be merciful to those who doubt; save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh. Jude 1:20-23

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Free offer if you subscribe during the month of July!!

Special Free Offer for all subscribers during the month of July!

All current subscribers and anyone who subscribes to my blog during the month of July 2011 will receive a 10% discount on our  Fall 2011 "Plan A" NYC Mission Coaching Experience

A team of students from my local church just returned from a week of serving in NYC and can't wait to go back! Some of them hope to join us this Fall.  I hope you will consider applying.  We are gonna have a blast! And I believe God will open our eyes to what He wants to do through us as we "jump over the edge" into His plan for our world!  So enter your email above and click "subscribe me" to get your 10% discount on the fees for the 10 week experience.   

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dance like Nobody is watching!!

As I start into my day, I'm sorting through the demands, the wants, the needs, the deadlines and the desire to be available and helpful to the people I care about.  Then I am thinking that probably most of them are doing the same.  As God's "Plan A", wouldn't it be amazing if today we just "danced" our own dance for what really matters to each of us and watch the movements take shape?  Have fun!!  

Friday, July 1, 2011

Get "Launched"! Join our 2011 "Plan A" NYC Ministry Coaching Experience

Fall 2011 "Plan A" Ministry Coaching Experience, Sept 25-Dec 4, 2011
Get "launched" this Fall into a life of 24/7 ministry
as a God's "Plan A" in changing the world in Jesus Name!

The "Plan A" Ministry Coaching Experience is a ten week discipleship training program based in Quispamsis, NB Canada for young adults age 15 and older sponsored by Kingdom Building Ministries. KBM in Canada is based in Quispamsis, New Brunswick

Who can come?: This experience is designed for individuals 15 years of age and older.  Those who are younger than 17 years old need to be accompanied by an adult.
Phase 1: Sept 25 - Nov 6, 2011- The first phase of the experience will be a seven week small group discussion and training based on the book, "You Are God's Plan A" by Dwight Robertson. The training will be facilitated by "Plan A" Coach Dan Lamos with input from KBM Itinerant Speakers  The group will also gain "hands on" ministry experience with local compassion ministries in the Saint John area in preparation for the NYC ministry weekend. 

Phase 2:  Nov 17-21 - The group led by KBM "Plan A" Coach, Dan Lamos will participate in the NYC Operation Drumstick Thanksgiving Outreach weekend hosted by NYSUM (New York School of Urban Ministries) you will be feeding the poor and homeless in NYC and joining with Christians from the USA and Canada on this life launching weekend of bringing God "up close" to people as you serve them in Jesus Name. 

Phase 3: Nov 27-Dec 4 - During this phase you will focus on living a life of ministry as a God's "Plan A" kingdom laborer.  We will wrap up with a party on Dec 4 where you can celebrate and invite your friends and family to hear what about what God has done.  

What does it cost?:  The cost of the ten week experience is $400. This includes a copy of "You Are God's Plan A", all of your fees for the NYC Compassion weekend and all study materials.  It does not include your meal costs travelling to and returning from NYC.  A non-refundable pre-registration fee of $75 is due by Sept. 1, 2011.  The remainder of the fee is due on October 21, 2011.  Make cheques payable to Kingdom Building Ministries. For more information call 506-639-8961.

Application:  To apply, email Dan Lamos at dlamos@kbm.org or call 506-639-8961    

Kingdom Building Ministries in Canada Contact:
Dan's Twitter: dan_planAcoach
Phone: 506-639-8961