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Husband to my best friend, Linda; Dad to three artistic and amazing children... John, Jeremy and Sarah, Plan A Coach with Kingdom Building Ministries and Missionary with Eastgate House of Prayer.

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Monday, June 22, 2009

best explanation of the "day of Christ" I have heard in a long time

I was glued to the message Pastor Brent was delivering yesterday morning. He was unpacking the first chapter of Philippians. It was fresh and it was delivered in a way that I loved. But, I especially enjoyed the thoughts on vv 9-10. He talked about "... until the day of Christ..." out of verse 10. He confronted the negative idea of seeing our earth as something to be thrown away and destroyed and therefore something we can neglect and even freely abuse. Then he presented us with the challenging idea that if Jesus is going to "give the earth a good shake and put everything all back to together" we should care about the earth and by faith live as if He is already in the process of doing just that. Great food for thought.


  1. Dan I agree that this is a new perspective. Sometimes it is easy to sit in judgement of the whole Save the Earth movement and say that this has gotten way out of balance. On the other hand I think sometimes we are on the other side of the scale and in our attempt to not "worship" the creature instead of the creator, we are very neglent in our responsibilites.

  2. Yes, we need to see ourselves as joining with the Spirit of God as He redeems everything. That was part of Brent's message as well. It is the idea that we as Jesus followers should more than anyone else believe in a "restoration of all things".

  3. Have you read Heaven by Randy Alcorn? I am reading it now. It is very insightful. I think you would enjoy it if you haven't read it already.
